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Thursday, 31 October 2013

Decent Dog


Status:  Appendix II of CITES, Threatened Species; Asiatic ssp. is CITES appendix I, endangered species.
Scientific Name:  Panthera leo (previously Felis leo and Leo leo)
Common Name:  Lion (Swahili: Simba  Zulu: Ingonyama )    
Kingdom:  Animalia
Phylum:  Chordata (vertebrata)
Class:  Mammalia
Order:  Carnivora
Family:  Felidae
Genus:  Panthera
Species:  Leo
Sizes:  Male: Avg. Length of body: 6 ft. 4 in. (1.95 meters) Avg. length of tail: 2 ft. 9 in (84 cm)
weight: 325-470 lbs. (148-213 Kg.). Captive lions tend to be bigger:
400-550 lbs (206-250 kg.)
Height at shoulder: 36 in. (90cm.)
Female: Avg. Length of body: 5 ft. 10 in. (1.8 meters) Avg. length of tail: 2 ft. 9 in (84 cm)
weight: 220-360 lbs. (100-164 Kg.).
Height at shoulder: 30 in. (75 cm)
(Lengths include the tail. Height measured at the shoulder.)

Lifespan: 12 years in the wild, 20 years in captivity. Females typically live a few more years in the wild.
Maximum speed: 35 mph over 50 yds. ( 56 kph. over 46 m.) Biggest Jump: 12 ft. (3.7 m.) vertical, 36 ft. (10.8 m.) horizontal.
Gestation period: 105-115 days.
Body Temperature: 101 deg. F (38.33 deg C)
No. of Teeth: 30 Dental formula:  Carnivore I 3/3, C 1/1, P3/2, M 1/1 Some variation has been reported.
Subspecies: Extinct: Barbary Lion (P.l. leo) - Extinct 1920, but it is suspected more and more that they may exist in captivity in America and Africa.
Cape lion (P.l. melanochaitus) - Extinct 1850 The Cape Lion may also very well be existing in captivity.
Endangered: Asiatic Lion (P.l. persica) - Gir forest sanctuary of NW India
Threatened: Angola Lion (P.l. bleyenberghi) - Zimbabwe, Angola and Zaire
Masai Lion (P.l. massaicus) - Eastern Africa (Notably Kenya and
Senegalese Lion (P.l. senegalensis) - Western Africa
Transvaal or South African Lion (P.l. kruegri) - Botswana, Nambia, and South Africa. (White Lions included here.)
Note: Subspeciation in the lion is a subject of considerable debate.  Many researchers feel there are only two subspecies: African and Asiatic.
Appearance: Lions are the only cat to display sexual dimorphism (difference between the male and female). All lions have a light to medium tan coat consisting of short, stiff hair. Cubs and younger individuals often have light rosette-like spots, especially on the hindlimbs. The area around the whisker beds and under the mouth are often lighter in color or white. The belly is almost always lighter in color than the rest of the coat.
The male has a mane about the neck and shoulders. The extent of the mane varies considerably among individuals, from a scruffy collar to an impressive mantle that may run down the belly to the fronts of the back legs. Mane color can vary between light tan and black. Lions often have several different colors in their mane, and captive lions have been observed to have some red and gold colors. Mane hair is stiff and somewhat wiry; the individual hairs have a pronounced 'crinkle' to them to help them 'puff out'.
In general, the mane gets longer and darker with age. Research has shown that lionesses prefer males with bigger and darker manes. Lions in some areas of Africa can also be maneless. The most famous maneless lions are to be found in the Tsavo area of Kenya.
White lions are observed in some parts of the transvaal in South Africa. The Timbavati area is famous for occasionally producing white lions. The overall coat tends to be light tan. The mane is often snow- white. Contrary to popular belief, white lions have light amber eyes.
Asiatic lions are very similar to African lions. They tend to be a bit smaller. They have thicker coats and often scruffier manes. Asiatic lions usually have a 'belly fold' hanging loosely below their bodies, while this is rare in the African ssp's.
Like most cats, lions have sharp, retractable claws. The front claws can be over an inch long, and are designed to dig in and hold on to struggling prey.
Habitat: Contrary to it's title 'King of the Jungle', lions inhabit semi- open-to-open plains to light forestland. They tend to do best in areas with high to very high prey density. Unlike other cat species, they do not thrive as well in areas with relatively low prey density.
Researchers have found some unusual lion prides along the Nile river that live in caves. In these prides, the females stay with the cubs, and the males do most of the hunting.
Distribution: Lions can be found through much of sub-Saharan Africa, although the vast majority now live in numerous national parks and game reserves. The highest concentration of lions is in the parks of northern Tanzania and in the vicinity of Kruger National Park in South Africa.
A small population of Asiatic lions lives in the Gir Forest Sanctuary in western India. This population has grown to about 350 individuals, and the Indian government is investigating introducing lions into new areas.
Social Life: Lions are the only truly social cat species. The core of a lion family, called a 'pride', is a group of related lionesses and their cubs. This group size can vary from about 3 to 20 or more individuals.  In addition to rearing the cubs, the lionesses do much of the hunting for the pride.
Over this group are 1-4 male lions. The males patrol the pride's territory and drive out intruders.  They also service the females in the pride when they are in heat. Groups of males, called 'coalitions', have much better success defending a pride against outside lions. Contrary to popular belief, male lions do hunt, and can take down considerably larger prey than the females can. In fact, males have to fend for themselves while out on long patrols of their territory.
Cubs are born in litters of 3-4. The females may take turns nursing each others' cubs. When the cubs are nearing maturity, the males are driven out of the pride to find a pride of their own. Females are 'challenged' by the core of adult females. if they 'pass the challenge', they are accepted into the pride for life.
One or more new males may challenge the resident males for control of the pride. Sometimes, the resident males simply leave if they know they are outmatched. Sometimes, it comes down to a nasty fight, which can be to the death. In any case, an ousted male of any great age does not have much of a chance of regaining another pride. Many of these die within a couple of years.
The new males often kill the cubs in the pride. This forces the females to go into heat together, and the resulting big batch of cubs is of the new male's parentage.
Being a lion cub is not easy; only 1 in 8 make it to adulthood. The usual cause of death is starvation. Those who make it to adulthood stand a pretty good chance of living a full life.
Communication: Lions make a wide variety of sounds. From a kind-of miaow to a full roar. The majestic roar is one of the hallmarks of the lion; they roar more than any other big cat. Often, the pride's males will begin the roaring 'song'. The roar is a series of powerful bellows that are kind of like eeeeeeyouuughhhhh. They will do this perhaps a dozen times, and then the roar will trail off into a series of grunts. Roaring is most common in the evening, when the lions want to advertise their presence to would-be intruders. The whole pride often roars together, but not in synchronism. It's hard to describe this sound, but there is nothing else like it! Each lion has it's own distinctive roar. Some lions just give low grunts. Others produce full, rich roars that almost sound musical.
Hunting: Lions are most active at night. They prefer hunting on moonless nights, where their superior vision gives them a big advantage over their prey. The rest of the time, they usually sleep. Just like a housecat, lions usually sleep 20 hours a day!
The favorite prey of the lion are medium sized herbivores, such as zebra and wildebeest. They also hunt smaller antelope, but aren't fast enough to catch many of them. Warthog is a delicacy in many places, and lions have to literally dig them out of the ground. Prides also take on big game, such as cape buffalo, giraffe, and even an occasional elephant in some areas of Africa. There is not much game that a determined lion pride cannot bring down.
Lions hunt individually or in groups. Many hunting methods are used. One of the most common is to jump on the prey's back and bite the nape of the neck.  Sometimes, the lion will hook the prey's nose with a paw and flip the rest of the animal over, holding the head still. The resultant trauma to the neck paralyzes the animal, and it is as good as dead. When hunting in groups, several lions may hold down the prey while one lion crushes the prey's throat, or holds it's mouth over the prey's nose and mouth. Either hold suffocates the prey. Really big prides of really hungry lions have been known to simply pile onto a prey animal and eat it to death.
Strategy is often used in group hunting. A couple experienced lions place themselves along the escape route of a herd of prey animals. Less experienced lions will then scare the herd into running away, right into the ambush set by the more experienced lions. Male lions especially, often appropriate the kills of other predators, especially hyenas. Lions will also scavenge when need be. Hungry lions will also hunt small game, such as rabbits.
The Feast: Lions will begin to eat their kill as soon as they can. If the male or males are present, they always get to eat first (and they can also eat the most in one sitting, often as much as 150 pounds of meat on a big kill.) Sometimes, the males will let the cubs eat with them. (This is where the term,'the lions' share' comes from!) The lionesses get the next turn. There is often bickering and fighting over some particularly desirable morsel. The cubs are kept away.
The cubs get whatever is left after the lionesses are done. With their small mouths, they can often get bits of meat that the adults can't get. A big kill will leave everyone with a full stomach. But often, the cubs go hungry. This is why the mortality rate is so high for cubs.
After a big feed, lions may sleep for the first couple of days. They will start to move around on the third day, and may not want to hunt until the fourth or fifth day.
Threats To the Lion: The main threat to the lion is loss of suitable habitat. The second threat at this time is disease. In South Africa, the lion is being ravenged by tuberculosis, caught from eating infected Cape buffalo. So far, attempts to control tuberculosis have not been successful, and hundreds of lions have died. FIV, the feline equivalent of AIDs, is also killing lions whose immune systems have been weakened by other conditions.
Lion hunting is strictly regulated or banned in most areas of Africa. However, poaching continues to be a big problem in many areas of Africa. This is very hard to control, especially in the third-world countries that make up much of Africa. These lions are hunted more for bushmeat than for hides, etc.
The total population of wild lions is estimated to be somewhere in the mid 20,000's. This is a sharp decrease from even ten years ago. Yet, keeping the lion off of the endangered species list may actually be helping it's survival. Legal hunting of lions, especially on managed game ranches in South Africa has kept a lot of poaching pressure off of the lion in general by providing a legal source of pelts, claws, etc.
Some of these game ranches also have extensive conservation breeding programs for the lion. The situation for captive lions, especially in the US, is bleak.
Increasing pressure from animal rights groups is greatly hurting the genetic viability of the captive lion population. Like all large carnivores, much of the public does not understand that the captive population of these cats holds our hope for the future. With wild populations falling at a precipitous rate, the only lions in our world in 30 years may well be captive lions. We must work to ensure that any responsible individual or entity can have lions, thus helping keep the roar of the lion ringing out for our childrens' childrens' children.
Captive Husbandry: Lions and People.  There are few animals that are a bigger part of our culture than the lion. The lion is one of the first animals most children learn to recognize, after a cat or dog. They are portrayed in a variety of roles, representing everything from timidity to courage.
What few people know is that lions can be the very best of companions for the right persons. A properly raised captive lion can for very deep bonds with people. Although they always have to be respected for their immense strength and sharp instincts, they are usually more interested in being hand-fed or getting a belly rub!
Raising a lion from a cub is just like raising a child, except all of childhood is compressed into about three years. It is an intense time, with much love, patient training, and a lot of patience required on the part of the human. In the end though, you will learn profound things about love and friendship that you will never learn from another human.
There is also a spiritual element ob having a lion 'friend'. There is something very powerfully spiritual about lions that make them stand out from just about any other animal. We may sense this because of the deep bond that lions can form with humans.
Lions also have a 'sixth sense' that seems to know when we, or sometimes another animal, is no trouble. Indeed, there are a number of remarkable cases where lions have actually gone out of their way to save a human life. Sometimes, the human saved has no bond with the lion that saved them, which makes this all the more remarkable.
Habitat: A good lion den box should not be too large. The lion should be able to easily turn around in it, but they like the safety and comfort this relatively small space provides. Like all den boxes, you should be able to get into it if the lion ever hides in there when sick, etc. Lions, especially the males, are messy and spray everything. So, it's important to keep the den box clean.
Enrichment: Lions seem to like balls. The balls need to be big and heavy. With those big teeth, they will destroy anything that isn't 'big cat proof'. Lions also like playing with sticks, logs, etc.
In my experience, lions like being touched where most cats do. They like having their face scratched, especially on the zygomatic crest below the eyes. They will rub you with that part of their face. Some lions like being scratched all up and down their bodies.
Male lions seem to like being touched in their mane. They are very conscious of their manes, and giving them 'attention' there makes them very happy. The like scratching there, and if they have belly mane, a belly rub. Lions also like having their mane brushed, if they have been trained not to fear the brush.
One lion I know likes being pressure washed. Even though lions generally abhor water, this lion will even point out where he wants to be washed!  (This pressure washing is usually done at a car wash, with astonished onlookers!)
Diet: The best diet for a lion is whole, dead animals. Lacking this, there are commercially prepared carnivore diets that lions can do very well on. Even if you feed this kind of diet, watch their eyes light up when you show up with a calf carcass!
Behavior: The healthy behavior of a lion is directly proportional to how close to ideal it's relationship is to other lions and caring humans. Lions I have observed who have had little human contact didn't seem nearly as happy or well-adjusted. I have also observed that well-adjusted lions enjoy having visitors 'gawk' at them.

Cute Cats

Monday, 29 October 2012

Raise Global Warming Awareness With Wristbands

Global warming is all about the amplification of earth atmospheric and oceanic temperatures extensively forecasted to crop up due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting from pollution. It all started in the late 19th century and ever since 20th century started, there has been a steep increase of about 1.4°F with about two thirds of the increase occurring in the 1980's.

Wristband – A Great Support To Stop Global Warming

By wearing custom made wristbands with messages like "Stop Global Warming", "Stop Using Plastics", "Plant More Trees", etc. we by ourselves will be reminding about the problems our globe is facing every single day. This kind of awareness bracelet is the best way to support your cause as these bands are the best ambassadors for spreading any message.

Of course, these message printed personalized bands are not going to stop global warming and we might not even be alive when that final goal of ours is reached. But one fine day, our earth will be restored to its harmonious state and these awareness bracelets are going to help us promote our goal and cause for the time being.

Where to purchase custom wristbands?

It’s amazingly easy to customize and purchase bands at Get your custom wristbands printed with awareness messages. Added to normal half-inch standard size bands, there are much more interesting products available which includes: extra wide bands slap bands, key chains, adjustable bands, USB bands, etc. Get and wear your custom made wristbands today and become an example to your community. You can make the variation with these wonderful personalized rubber bracelets.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Amazing Tallest Towers in the World

Amazing World Atlas: Amazing Tallest Towers in the World are listed below in height wise.

Tokyo Skytree: Tokyo Skytree in Japan is the tallest tower in the world. The height of the tower is 634m / 2,080ft.

Tokyo Skytree

Canton Tower: Canton Tower in China. The height of the tower is 600m / 2,000ft.

Canton Tower

CN Tower: CN Tower in Canada. The height of the tower is 553.3m / 1,815ft.

CN Tower

Ostankino Tower: Ostankino Tower in Moscow. The height of the tower is 540.1 m / 1,772ft.

Ostankino Tower

Oriental Pearl Tower: Oriental Pearl Tower in China. The height of the tower is 468 m / 1,535ft.

Oriental Pearl Tower

 Milad Tower: Milad Tower in Iran. The height of the tower is 435m / 1,427ft.

Milad Tower

Kuala Lampur Tower: Kuala Lampur Tower or KL Tower in Malaysia. The height of the tower is 421m / 1,381ft.

Kuala Lampur Tower

Tianjin Radio and Television Tower: Tianjin Radio and Television Tower in China. The height of the tower is 415.2m / 1,362ft.

Tianjin Radio and Television Tower

Central Radio and TV Tower: Central Radio and TV Tower in China. The height of the tower is 405m / 1,329ft.

Central Radio and TV Tower

Kiev TV Tower: Kiev TV Tower in Ukraine. The height of the tower is 385m / 1,263ft.

Kiev TV Tower

Thursday, 10 May 2012

North India Hills Tours for 10 days

Tours of India: Start your journey with Amritsar, a home to Sikhism’s holiest shrine the Golden Temple. The gold-plated gurdwara glitters in the middle of its holy pool like a huge bullion bar, followed by Dalhousie, a hill station spreads over five low-level hills at the western edge of the Dhauladhar range, just east of the Ravi River, Set against the backdrop of the dramatic Dhauladhar mountains, Dharamsala is perched on the high slopes in the upper reaches of Kangra Valley, Many people come McLeod Ganj, to study Tibetan Buddhism, culture, crafts, etc. as well. The most important Buddhist site in the town is Tsuglagkhang, the Dalai Lama’s temple. The town is also known for Tibetan handicrafts, thangkas, Tibetan carpets, garments and other souvenirs.

Duration: 09 Nights/ 10 Days

Price: Starting USD 650 per person

Destination : Delhi, Amritsar, Dalhousie, Chamba, Khajjiar, Dalhousie, Palampur, Delhi

Region: North India 

Validity: Till March, 2012

Day 01 : : Arrive Delhi

Arrive Delhi, as per your flight schedule pick up from New Delhi airport and transfer to hotel, day at you rest, Overnight stay at Hotel.

Day 02 : : Delhi To Amritsar (By Train)

Early morning transfer from New Delhi to Amritsar by train, arrive Amritsar, pick up and transfer to hotel, after some rest, visit Indo-Pak Wagah Border to watch Flag Retreat Ceremony- Wagah, an army outpost on Indo-Pak border. Soldiers from both countries march in perfect drill, going through the steps of bringing down their respective national flags. As the sun goes down, nationalistic fervor rises and lights are switched on marking the end of the day amidst thunderous applause, Overnight stay at Hotel.

Train Details: Delhi To Amritsar [2031 - AMRITSAR SHTBDI]

[Delhi Departure: 07:20AM] [Amritsar Arrival: 13:25PM]

Day 03 : : Amritsar To Dalhousie

After breakfast, day city tour to visit Golden Temple-the most important sikh shrine which is also called Mecca for the Sikhs is a living symbol of the spiritual and historical traditions of the Sikhs.

Then visit Jallianwala Bagh- where, on April 13, 1919, British and Gurkha soldiers opened fire on an unarmed forbidden gathering, killing hundreds of civilians. After lunch visit Maharaja Ranjit Singh Summer Palace Museum- The summer place of Maharaja Ranjit Singh which is situated in the heart of Ram Bagh, Amritsar, Afternoon transfer from Amritsar to Dalhousie, arrive and check in hotel, take rest, evening free to enjoy and walk along the mall road, Overnight stay at hotel.

Day 04 : : Dalhousie (Including Chamba)

After breakfast, day tour to visit Punj Pulla, Subhash Chowk,Gandhi Chowk, later visit Chamba, evening return and take rest, Overnight stay at hotel.

Day 05 : : Dalhousie (Including Kala Top & Khajjiar)

After Breakfast, day tour to visit Kala Top, Later visit Khajjiar, enjoy horse riding and other activities at Khajjiar, evening return and take rest, Overnight stay at hotel.

Day 06 : : Dalhousie To Dharamshla

After Breakfast, transfer from Dalhousie to Dharamshala, arrive and check in hotel, after some rest, evening free to walk around the mall road where Tibetan refugees display and sell their crafts, Overnight stay at hotel.

Day 07 : : Dharamshla

After breakfast, full day tour to visit McLeodganj (Originally home of the semi-nomadic Gaddi tribe, McLeodganj is today the residence of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. This mid 19th century place was developed as a British Garrison. The place was developed as an important administrative point for the whole Kangra valley. Today the place has developed as headquarters of the exiled Tibetan Government. The impressive monastery has larger than life size images of Buddha, Padmasambhava and Avaloketeshwara),

War Memorial (Set amidst the pine groves is a war memorial, built on the entry point of the to Dharamsala to commemorate the post independence war heroes of Himachal Pradesh. A web of narrow paths and landscaped lawns lead towards this monument),

St. John's Church (One of the most poignant memories of the British Raj is the church of St. John, situated in the wilderness, under the shade of Doedar branches, a memorial has been made over the body of the British Viceroy, Lord Elgin who died at Dharamsala in 1863), evening free, Overnight stay at hotel.

Day 08 : : Dharamsala (Palampur)

After breakfast, full day city tour to visit Bhagsu Nag Temple, Norbulingka Institute which is perhaps one of its best in the world. The institute has its own temple, Museum, Meditation Hall, One thousand, one hundred and seventy-three images of the Buddha decorate the forty-four foot high temple hall, Palampur, The rest of the day is free for you to spend at leisure. Overnight stay at Hotel.

Day 09 : : Dharamsala To Delhi

After breakfast, as per your train schedule transfer from Dharamshala to Amritsar station to take your train to Delhi, arrive Delhi, pick up and transfer to hotel, Overnight stay at Hotel.

Train Details: Chandigarh to Delhi [2012 – KALKA SHATABDI]

[Chandigarh Departure: 18:30PM] [Delhi Arrival: 21:55PM]

Day 10 : : New Delhi Departure

After breakfast, as per your flight schedule transfer to New Delhi airport to take your flight for your onward journey.

for more India Tours package visit:

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Earthquake hits Indonesia: Mild Tremors felt in Chennai

Amazing World Atlas: Earthquake hits Indonesia measuring 8.7 on Richter scale hit Aceh province. The earthquake had its epicentre off the west coast of northern Sumatra occurred at 2.08 p.m., the IMD said.

The India Meteorological Department announced earthquake measuring 8.5 on Richter scale and US Geological Survey announced 8.9 on Richter scale whose epicentre was at depth of 33 km.

Mild tremors were felt in Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Nagapattinam and many cities in Tamil Nadu. The tremors also felt in Bangalore, Kolkatta and several other cities on east coast of India.

Tsunami alerts are issued in Indian Ocean and 28 countries
including Thailand, India, and Maldives. Tsunami Centre has warned of
waves upto 2 metres in Tamil Nadu coast and upto 6 metres in Andaman chain.

Chennai Port has shut its operations due to the earthquake. In Kolkata metro rail services are suspended and resumed now.

Many companies are announced leave for the safety of employees and employees leave their offices after feeling the earthquake tremors.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

How to buy best certified diamond?

To make surprise for your loved ones, you plan to buy diamond engagement rings, the most important thing to consider is to check if the diamond is certified diamond or not. Always it is better advised to buy diamond from a certified diamonds dealer. This is because the diamonds that you buy from certified dealers would have authenticity and are certified to be what they claim. Hence you can be assured about the purchase. The certification is relatively important as most of the people cannot judge if the diamond is real or fake. First and foremost, it gives an assurance that the diamond has been inspected and certified by one of the reliable diamond laboratories.

There are five diamond grading labs which are popular. They are HRD, EGL, GIA, AGS, and IGI. The certificate given by these labs ensure that the characteristics of the diamond like cut, carat, color and clarity are authentic and have been defined on the certificate after proper inspection. Hence the price of the certified diamonds would be more but it will increase the confidence of the buyers. The diamond certification is generally given by AGS and GIA in the United States. They are considered as reliable sources since they are leading the industry. This diamonds are more expensive than the competitors like IGI and EGL certified diamonds. is the right place to buy certified diamonds cheap and better. The certified loose diamonds gives credibility to the stone while it is purchased. The selling the diamond is also made easy if you have a certificate.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Amazing NASA Future Aircraft Designs

Amazing World Atlas: The Amazing NASA future aircraft designs are eco friendly planes have been named greener flying machines for year 2025.

The computer rendering shows AMELIA which is called as Advanced Model for Extreme Lift and Improved Aeroacoustics a possible future hybrid wing body type subsonic vehicle with short takeoff and landing capabilities. Produced through a three year NASA Research Announcement grant with California Polytechnic State Institute, AMELIA' ability for steeper ascents and descents could reduce community noise levels on takeoff and landing. A model of this configuration is scheduled for testing in a NASA wind tunnel in the fall of 2011.

NASA Advanced Model Extreme Lift Improved Aeroacoustics

Boeings advanced vehicle concept centers around familiar blended wing body design like X-48. What makes this design different is placement of its Pratt & Whitney geared turbofan engines on top of planes back end, flanked by two vertical tails to shield people on the ground from engine noise. The design also uses other technologies to reduce noise and drag and long span wings to improve fuel efficiency. This design is among those presented to NASA at end of 2011 by companies that conducted NASA funded studies into aircraft that could enter service in 2025.


The double bubble D8 Series future aircraft design concept comes from research team led by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Based on modified tube and wing with very wide fuselage to provide extra lift, its low sweep wing reduces drag and weight embedded engines sit aft of wings. The D8 series aircraft would be used for domestic flights and is designed to fly at Mach 0.74 carrying 180 passengers 3,000 nautical miles in a coach cabin roomier than that of a Boeing 737-800. The D8 is among designs presented in April 2010 to  NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate for its NASA Research Announcement funded studies into advanced aircraft that could enter service in the 2030-2035 timeframe.

NASA Double Bubble D8 Series

 The computer generated image shows possible future flying wing aircraft very efficiently and quietly in flight over populated areas. This kind of design, produced by Northrop Grumman, would most likely carry cargo at first and then also carry passengers. This design is among those presented to NASA at end of 2011 by companies that conducted NASA funded studies into aircraft that could enter service in 2025. 

NASA Flying Wing Aircraft

The future aircraft design concept for supersonic flight over land comes from team led by Lockheed Martin Corporation. The team used simulation tools to show it was possible to achieve over-land flight by dramatically lowering the level of sonic booms through the use of an "inverted-V" engine under wing configuration. The revolutionary technologies help achieve range, payload and environmental goals. This concept is one of two designs presented in April 2010 to NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate for its NASA Research Announcement-funded studies into advanced supersonic cruise aircraft that could enter service in the 2030-2035 timeframe. 

NASA Future Supersonic Flight

Our ability to fly at supersonic speeds over land in civil aircraft depends on our ability to reduce level of sonic booms. NASA has been exploring variety of options for quieting boom, starting with design concepts and moving through wind tunnel tests to flight tests of new technologies.

NASA Civil Aircraft

The Icon-II future aircraft design concept for supersonic flight over land comes from the team led by The Boeing Company. A design that achieves fuel burn reduction and airport noise goals, it also achieves large reductions in sonic boom noise levels that will meet the target level required to make supersonic flight over land possible. This concept is one of two designs presented in April 2010 to the NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate for its NASA Research Announcement-funded studies into advanced supersonic cruise aircraft that could enter service in the 2030-2035 timeframe.

NASA Icon II Supersonic Flight  

Lockheed Martins advanced vehicle concept proposes box wing design which is now feasible thanks to modern lightweight composite nonmetallic materials, landing gear technologies and other advancements. Its Rolls Royce Liberty Works Ultra Fan Engine achieves a bypass ratio nearly five times greater than current engines, pushing the limits of turbofan technology to maximize efficiency. This design is among those presented to NASA at the end of 2011 by companies that conducted NASA-funded studies into aircraft that could enter service in 2025.

NASA Lockheed Martins Advanced Vehicle Concept

Northrop Grummans concept is based on extremely aerodynamic flying wing design. The four Rolls Royce engines are embedded in upper surface of wing to achieve maximum noise shielding. The company used its expertise in building military planes without stabilizing tail to propose this design for commercial aviation market. This design is among those presented to NASA at end of 2011 by companies that conducted NASA funded studies into aircraft that could enter service in 2025.

NASA Northrop Grummans Concept

The Silent Efficient Low Emissions Commercial Transport, or SELECT, future aircraft design comes from the research team led by Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation. Deceptively conventional-looking, concept features advanced lightweight ceramic composite materials and nanotechnology and shape memory alloys. In addition to being energy efficient and environmentally friendly, SELECT improves capacity of future air transportation system which can be used at smaller airports and make them more effective. It is designed to fly at Mach 0.75 carrying 120 passengers 1,600 nautical miles. The SELECT is among designs presented in April 2010 to the NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate for its NASA Research Announcement-funded studies into advanced aircraft that could enter service in the 2030-2035 timeframe.

NASA Silent Efficient Low Emissions Commercial Transport